Riley McGuire
What is one thing you want students to know about you?
In my spare time, I write . . . just about anything and everything! My projects have included philosophy of literature, theory of fashion, a neo-Victorian novel, a Latin sacred oratorio, poetry, essays on nature, etc.
What's your educational background?
I went to École secondaire l’Essor,a full-French school, in Tecumseh, ON for high school. I then studied economics, Mathematics, and English at the University of Toronto (changing my programme multiple times), finishing with a specialist in English and a minor in Mathematics. I liked English so much, I went on to do a master’s in it, also at the University of Toronto.
What are 4-5 personality traits you would use to describe yourself?
1. Analytical 2. Reserved 3. Caring 4. Passionate about elegance
Name your favourite TV show, movie, and song:
Favourite TV show: Downtown Abbey
Favourite movie: Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Favourite song: Giacomo Carissimi’s oratorios, especially Jonas and Job
What are some of your hobbies?
Apart from the literary pursuits mentioned above, English country dancing, hiking, and biking
What was your favourite subject in high school?
What is something you would tell your younger self in high school?
Either “Learn to code now!” or “Learn Latin now—and get started on Greek!”