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Nadine Wellington

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What is one thing you want students to know about you? 

 I can do a chemical reaction that makes gold disappear!

What's your educational background?

I did my B.Sc in Analytical Chemistry at York University and my PhD in Chemistry at McMaster University.

What are 4-5 personality traits you would use to describe yourself?

Resourceful, Patient, Flexible, Curious, Determined.

Name your favourite TV show, movie, and song:

Favourite TV show: Battlestar Galactica

Favourite movie: The Usual Suspects

Favourite song: Rolling in the Deep - Adele

What are some of your hobbies?

I love cats, playing the violin, and my favourite game is Scrabble!

What was your favourite subject in high school?


What is something you would tell your younger self in high school?

Keep persevering!


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