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Kyle Groulx

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What is one thing you want students to know about you? 

Fun fact: I’m a bit of a travel junkie: I’ve been to 30 countries across 6 continents and counting! Someday I hope to visit every country in the world.

What's your educational background?

I completed Bachelor degrees in Economics and Philosophy from Lakehead University, followed by an M.A. in Economics. I’m currently finishing an M.A. in History from RMC, and plan to attend law school after.

What are 4-5 personality traits you would use to describe yourself?

Curious, imaginative, analytical, quirky, ambitious.

Name your favourite TV show, movie, and song:

Favourite TV show: Breaking Bad

Favourite movie: Pulp Fiction (or anything by Tarantino!)

Favourite song: Tough one! I love classic rock, so maybe Stairway to Heaven

What are some of your hobbies?

Running, Weightlifting, Rock Climbing, Extreme Sports, Traveling

What was your favourite subject in high school?

Economics or English

What is something you would tell your younger self in high school?

 Life is a big, beautiful adventure filled with lots of things to try and do. Always stay curious, because trying new things is the only way to find out who you truly are, and make sure to enjoy the journey along the way!

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