Dominique Pal
What is one thing you want students to know about you?
I would love for the students I encounter, to recognize that I’ve been in their shoes before and have a genuine desire to help them not only with their grades but with their mindsets as they progress through high school! Having been pretty reserved in high school, I understand that it’s hard to ask questions and sometimes even harder to find the motivation to get through school when the future is scary and unknown. I recognize that there is an immense amount of pressure to have everything together and transition into the world of “adulting”, but I want to spread encouragement and be a role model to keep working hard even when everything feels impossible.
What's your educational background?
I went to Senator O’Connor Collegiate where I was a part of the AP program, and I am currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics at McMaster University!
What are 4-5 personality traits you would use to describe yourself?
Hard-Working, Kind, Caring, Understanding.
Name your favourite TV show, movie, and song:
Favourite TV show: New Girl/Bob's Burgers
Favourite movie: Mamma Mia!
Favourite song: Pluto Projector - Rex Orange County
What are some of your hobbies?
I love singing, playing guitar, reading, doing crosswords - and I love to crochet my own sweaters and bags!
What was your favourite subject in high school?
Biology & Chemistry
What is something you would tell your younger self in high school?
Have confidence in everything you do. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things! Believe in your ability to be great and become the person you dream of being- your potential is endless!