Ayse Ozdincer
What is one thing you want students to know about you?
I use to be a competitive sailor and was ranked internationally!
What's your educational background?
I went to Bayview Glen for high school and recently graduated from UofT where I studied Engineering Science
What are 4-5 personality traits you would use to describe yourself?
Thoughtful, energetic, competitive, optimistic, outgoing.
Name your favourite TV show, movie, and song:
Favourite TV show: Chuck
Favourite movie: Sound of Music
Favourite song: Beach in Hawaii by Ziggy Marley
What are some of your hobbies?
Hiking, cooking, yoga, volleyball, skiing.
What was your favourite subject in high school?
What is something you would tell your younger self in high school?
Remember that high school is a small, temporary part of your life! Make the most of it, do more things you think you don’t have time to do.